Deze week zijn naast alle geweldige Franse films ook een aantal Franse TV Series bekeken door European Movies & TV-Series. In Frankrijk werd lange tijd neer gekeken op televisie series. Regisseurs waagden zich er liever niet aan. Met de komst van Canal plus is dit enigszins veranderd. Maar toch kan het nog niet tippen aan het grote aantal sublieme Franse films.
This week Thevore.comhas had a closer look at French tv-series. After already seen the large amount of fantastic French movies, the website was interested in what French television had to offer. It found out that for a long time TV-Series were looked down up on a little. French movie directors proferrred not to get involved. When Canal plus appeared on the stage this somewhat changed. However, it still does not rival the great French movies.
This week they looked at Spriral and Desperate parents in their French TV-Series section.